This story takes place in London in 1940. Edie Benson the protagonist notices that numerous people that she knows move in the country-side as the war is about to star but then all come back. Edie heard some people talking about a possible German invasion. Edison and her family have just finished their Anderson Shelter when a bombing starts from the Germans on London. (An Anderson Shelter looks like a gallerie that could hold up to 6 people to protect them from the bombings.) Edie's brother and especially Edie need their parents but unfortunately Edie and her brother are sent in Whales to Mr. And Mrs. James which were not nice to Edie and Tom. Edie doesn't have only a brother (Tom) but also a sister : Shirley. Tom is 10 Edie is 12 and Shirley is 17. Albert or Bert, Edie's father, went almost every night out of the shelter to save people that were under walls of collapsed buildings. In the end Edie and Tom came back with their parents. This book is very well written. It is very realistic about how bad was war and that not everybody was as lucky as Edie and Tom to survive with their whole family!
Monday, May 14, 2007
This story takes place in London in 1940. Edie Benson the protagonist notices that numerous people that she knows move in the country-side as the war is about to star but then all come back. Edie heard some people talking about a possible German invasion. Edison and her family have just finished their Anderson Shelter when a bombing starts from the Germans on London. (An Anderson Shelter looks like a gallerie that could hold up to 6 people to protect them from the bombings.) Edie's brother and especially Edie need their parents but unfortunately Edie and her brother are sent in Whales to Mr. And Mrs. James which were not nice to Edie and Tom. Edie doesn't have only a brother (Tom) but also a sister : Shirley. Tom is 10 Edie is 12 and Shirley is 17. Albert or Bert, Edie's father, went almost every night out of the shelter to save people that were under walls of collapsed buildings. In the end Edie and Tom came back with their parents. This book is very well written. It is very realistic about how bad was war and that not everybody was as lucky as Edie and Tom to survive with their whole family!
This story takes place in London in 1940. Edie Benson the protagonist notices that numerous people that she knows move in the country-side as the war is about to star but then all come back. Edie heard some people talking about a possible German invasion. Edison and her family have just finished their Anderson Shelter when a bombing starts from the Germans on London. (An Anderson Shelter looks like a gallerie that could hold up to 6 people to protect them from the bombings.) Edie's brother and especially Edie need their parents but unfortunately Edie and her brother are sent in Whales to Mr. And Mrs. James which were not nice to Edie and Tom. Edie doesn't have only a brother (Tom) but also a sister : Shirley. Tom is 10 Edie is 12 and Shirley is 17. Albert or Bert, Edie's father, went almost every night out of the shelter to save people that were under walls of collapsed buildings. In the end Edie and Tom came back with their parents. This book is very well written. It is very realistic about how bad was war and that not everybody was as lucky as Edie and Tom to survive with their whole family!
There are many aspects on Trieste but my two favourite ones are the port in general and the weather. With the port many trade agencies and many merchants used this port. The port became important when the Suez canal opened because the ships could finally cut through Africa and Arabia to get straight through Greece or Italy. This port became also important because Emperor Asbury (an Austrian emperor) because he choose it as his favourite port and so an important one. With this Trieste became as important as Rome, much more important than what it's now. This port attracts me a lot thinking how old it is and how many important people and ships passed through it. It also attracts me because it's incredible how much a port or anything else may become really important just because an emperor choose so. Also weather in my opinion is interesting (but not as much as the port).Weather in Trieste is constantly changing. One week freezing cold with a lot of wind, one week with constant full sun with no clouds and no wind and one week with just lots of “Bora” and fog. “Bora” is a north-eastern wind that is the only cause of broken umbrellas in Trieste. The warmest summer in Trieste was in the 2003 and the coldest winter was in the 2005.
There are many aspects on Trieste but my two favourite ones are the port in general and the weather. With the port many trade agencies and many merchants used this port. The port became important when the Suez canal opened because the ships could finally cut through Africa and Arabia to get straight through Greece or Italy. This port became also important because Emperor Asbury (an Austrian emperor) because he choose it as his favourite port and so an important one. With this Trieste became as important as Rome, much more important than what it's now. This port attracts me a lot thinking how old it is and how many important people and ships passed through it. It also attracts me because it's incredible how much a port or anything else may become really important just because an emperor choose so. Also weather in my opinion is interesting (but not as much as the port).Weather in Trieste is constantly changing. One week freezing cold with a lot of wind, one week with constant full sun with no clouds and no wind and one week with just lots of “Bora” and fog. “Bora” is a north-eastern wind that is the only cause of broken umbrellas in Trieste. The warmest summer in Trieste was in the 2003 and the coldest winter was in the 2005.
Trieste is a city that has lots of history from the past in its walls. For 500 years Trieste has been part of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire apart from the little Napoleonic period in which Trieste was part of Italy. From 1918- 1943 Trieste was part of Italy and with the fall of fascism till 45 it as part of Germany. With the fall of Germany Trieste (or TS) is amministrated by the ONU till 54 and after the 54 it was part of Italy. Trieste is known for:its big port , for its Roman Theater, for the Teatro Verdi, for the Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, for the Sala Tripcovic, for the Molo Audace, for the castello di Miramare, for the castello di San Giusto, and most important its port! Trieste as all other Itlaiancities has its own dialect: Triestino. Many important writers worked and wrote famous works in Trieste:Italo Svevo, Umberto Saba, Scipio Slataper, Enzo Betiza, Fulvio Tamizza, Maria Rilke, Claudio Magris, Pino Roveredo, James Joice, and Susanna Tamaro which is a relative of Sophia Tamaro my classmate. The “foibe”(carsic cavities or deep holes) were used to throw in during was dead people or also alive ones: politicians, prisoners or simple war enemies. The Foibe di Basovizzza have been stated national monument in 1992 by the Italian government. Trieste has lots of history in it, I think you should visit it!
Trieste is a city that has lots of history from the past in its walls. For 500 years Trieste has been part of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire apart from the little Napoleonic period in which Trieste was part of Italy. From 1918- 1943 Trieste was part of Italy and with the fall of fascism till 45 it as part of Germany. With the fall of Germany Trieste (or TS) is amministrated by the ONU till 54 and after the 54 it was part of Italy. Trieste is known for:its big port , for its Roman Theater, for the Teatro Verdi, for the Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, for the Sala Tripcovic, for the Molo Audace, for the castello di Miramare, for the castello di San Giusto, and most important its port! Trieste as all other Itlaiancities has its own dialect: Triestino. Many important writers worked and wrote famous works in Trieste:Italo Svevo, Umberto Saba, Scipio Slataper, Enzo Betiza, Fulvio Tamizza, Maria Rilke, Claudio Magris, Pino Roveredo, James Joice, and Susanna Tamaro which is a relative of Sophia Tamaro my classmate. The “foibe”(carsic cavities or deep holes) were used to throw in during was dead people or also alive ones: politicians, prisoners or simple war enemies. The Foibe di Basovizzza have been stated national monument in 1992 by the Italian government. Trieste has lots of history in it, I think you should visit it!
Global warming is a very big problem. It is the increasing of temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans. This means that in some years time the north and the south poles will melt, this means that the sea level will rise and cities like Venice will be submerged. (Piazza Unità wont exist any more!) All this happens because of the increase of the greenhouse gas. (all those factories around the world, all those polluting cars!) This should also weigh on the conscience of all those business man that sell all the petrol they have. They should sell it with a very high price so anybody would bi it for their cars and no gas cars will be around and people will start selling hydrogen or electric cars! They both already exist! They could be already sold and global warming wouldn't be such a big problem with no more gas cars! There are many ways to slow down the global warming: one day a year all states and countries wouldn't be able to use cars, light of day (organized first in Canada) and many other ways. Don't think that all the polluted air comes just from factories, but the 23% of Earth's pollution comes from simple homes. Using certain light bulbs would also would also decrease the use of energy and the global warming problem would be postponed more farther on. If you do the differentiated collection (of trash) you do a very good thing for helping the environment but I saw a program on TV that proofed that some agencies that occupy them selfs of differentiated collection of trash trow everything together and this is a very bad and dishonest thing! Help us stopping this StUpId mistakes of humans by thinking how grave the situation really is!
Look at this site(please):
Global warming is a very big problem. It is the increasing of temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans. This means that in some years time the north and the south poles will melt, this means that the sea level will rise and cities like Venice will be submerged. (Piazza Unità wont exist any more!) All this happens because of the increase of the greenhouse gas. (all those factories around the world, all those polluting cars!) This should also weigh on the conscience of all those business man that sell all the petrol they have. They should sell it with a very high price so anybody would bi it for their cars and no gas cars will be around and people will start selling hydrogen or electric cars! They both already exist! They could be already sold and global warming wouldn't be such a big problem with no more gas cars! There are many ways to slow down the global warming: one day a year all states and countries wouldn't be able to use cars, light of day (organized first in Canada) and many other ways. Don't think that all the polluted air comes just from factories, but the 23% of Earth's pollution comes from simple homes. Using certain light bulbs would also would also decrease the use of energy and the global warming problem would be postponed more farther on. If you do the differentiated collection (of trash) you do a very good thing for helping the environment but I saw a program on TV that proofed that some agencies that occupy them selfs of differentiated collection of trash trow everything together and this is a very bad and dishonest thing! Help us stopping this StUpId mistakes of humans by thinking how grave the situation really is!
Look at this site(please):
Friday, February 09, 2007
letter for Mr. Pastore
Dear Mr.Pastore,
I have done all six blog entries and have inputted them on my blogger site. I have also written the rough copies in my notebook. As grade I think I should earn an A- or A because I worked hard all the lessons. I did all my work on time. As proofreading I think I have done a pretty good job and my grammar was most of the time correct. I have already completed all the comments in a constructive way. The the amount of the words in the blog entries is correct, and the titles are also as you asked us to write them. My work has improved a lot from the last quarter. I would like to earn a grade, for which I fought a lot for.
Sincerely Your student France Viler P.S. = On Thursday I won't be at School
Friday, February 02, 2007

The protagonist of this book is a horse: Black Beauty. Black Beauty had a wonderful life as a colt. He was “loved” from everybody in the farm he lived and had lot's of friends. All the horses were cleaned perfectly and so was Black Beauty. To clean him there was Jack, a young boy that worked in the farm. Then, unfortunately the factory was closed and Black Beauty was sold as all the other horses. Black Beauty passed about 5 years of hell. He passed about five years with owners that were really terrible in all means, and for this reason he suffered a lot. Then he was sold to a family that cured him enough and were kind with him but after a certain period of time they had to sell him because they didn't have enough money. As he is brought to the horse shop Black Beauty sees Jack and starts doing many strange things to be noticed by him. Jack right away remembered himself of Black Beauty and decides to buy him. Jack then brings him in a farm where finally Black Beauty will be able to live the rest of his life in a wonderful way.
Monday, January 29, 2007
This story is about Joao, a 17 year old boy who lives in Copacabana where life is really brutal and scary. During the year, the best soccer players played in teames that play on the Copacabana beaches and the most talented ones were called to play in professional teams. Everybody thought Joao was a great soccer player and the voices spread out around the country. One day a scout from the professional Brasilian team, came to watch Joao play, and understand if he played really well as people said. During the game Joao played superbly but he didn't think it was enough to make the scout remain amazed. So he tryed to make a back flip jumping over the goalie. He was able to do it but unortunately the goalie fauled him hardly and made him fall. He broke his leg! As he got to the hospital, Vittorio Zucconi the narrator, couldn't understand why Joao was so happy if probably he wouldn't be able to play in the Brasil, but the reason was that the scout gave him a ticket with on written that as soon he would get better he could play with the Brasil!
Friday, January 26, 2007
History Entry: Goebbels
Josef Goebbels had a sad childhood because he met a serious illness that deformed his body and for this reason wasn't accepted as a military, instead he was really good at school. After some time he became a giournalist but didn't have any success because all the articles he wrote were against Jews and editors didn't want to publish such things on their newspapers. For this reason he was thrown out from the buisiness. Then, through some friends, he got to know Hitler which convinced him of many things he thought wern't true. Sequently Hitler nominates him leader of Nazi Propaganda, and this job came to him perfectly. Then he was nominated "Reich Chancellor". Abbreviateing, after Hitler killed himselfe because Americans came to get him also Goebbels killed himslefe and his whole family. He ruined his whole family and life because he made himself be influenced by Hitler.
Josef Goebbels had a sad childhood because he met a serious illness that deformed his body and for this reason wasn't accepted as a military, instead he was really good at school. After some time he became a giournalist but didn't have any success because all the articles he wrote were against Jews and editors didn't want to publish such things on their newspapers. For this reason he was thrown out from the buisiness. Then, through some friends, he got to know Hitler which convinced him of many things he thought wern't true. Sequently Hitler nominates him leader of Nazi Propaganda, and this job came to him perfectly. Then he was nominated "Reich Chancellor". Abbreviateing, after Hitler killed himselfe because Americans came to get him also Goebbels killed himslefe and his whole family. He ruined his whole family and life because he made himself be influenced by Hitler.
Science Entry: Generators
Mr. S assigned me a project on generators. Since i have a boat with a huge generator i thought of filming the video of the project there, in Croazia, where Nokolas Tesla started distribuiting a system of alternating current that is really important for generators. Many people probably think that generators work in a really complex way but it's not really true. A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It uses motion to create an electric current. There are two types of generators but work almost in the same way: AC generators and DC generators. I based my project all on this. There are some generators that are really simple like the ones in our science book. Whilst there are some others that are really complex which arn't easy to understand. This last type of generators are used for example in cruise ships. If you are in a place with no electricity, a generator would be perfect if you wanted to cook or have just some lights on.
Mr. S assigned me a project on generators. Since i have a boat with a huge generator i thought of filming the video of the project there, in Croazia, where Nokolas Tesla started distribuiting a system of alternating current that is really important for generators. Many people probably think that generators work in a really complex way but it's not really true. A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It uses motion to create an electric current. There are two types of generators but work almost in the same way: AC generators and DC generators. I based my project all on this. There are some generators that are really simple like the ones in our science book. Whilst there are some others that are really complex which arn't easy to understand. This last type of generators are used for example in cruise ships. If you are in a place with no electricity, a generator would be perfect if you wanted to cook or have just some lights on.
Monday, January 22, 2007
In the Mid Summer Night Dream i play Flute. Flute is a very funny character. He is a joung man with short hair and broun eyes, he also is a bit dumb. In a cetain scene in the play inside the play he acts dummie and makes it fun whilst it should be a sad love story. In a cetain scene of the play Flute recites the part of the girl, she should be a very sad character but Flute recites her in a very funnny way. He is Thisby, aa joung lady which should be desperate because her love killed himslef but she esagerates. When Piramus, Thisbi's boyfriend, killed himselfe was reciting (as Thisby did) esagerated. He shoued to different ways in which he suicided, and this made lough everybody watching the play in the play. Another thing for which it was really easy to lough from was the voice Flute had trying to imitate the voice of a joung lady. As a character Flute is also a bit dummie and funny and if he tries to do it even more it would be impossible not to lough.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

This story takes place in Denmark, during Hitler's reign. Jews were all brought in concentration camps to be killed and the same thing happened to people which helped them escape. Annemarie is the protagonist of this book, she is Danish and is neighbour of Ellen Rosens, a Jews. Annamarie discoveres that nazis are looking for the Rosens to bring them into concentration camps. Annamarie and her family decide to save the Rosen's life bringing them with a fisher boat to Sweden. Peter, the last boyfriend of Annamarie's dead big sister brught the Rosens to Sweden. (Unfortunately in the end also he died) People at those times developed many methods to distract the nazi dogs trained to find hidden people: with some drugs they were able to temporarily destroy their smell. Annamarie saved the Rosens because she gave them a handkerchief with that drug for the dogs just five minutes before the soldiers arrived with their dogs. She saved the Rosens from sure death.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
DEEP END by: Sam Hutton
Everything starts with two spies that simply wanted to explain what they did during their job to Maddie, the daughter of the boss of those two spies and protagonist . Whilst trying to explain everything, they tripped into a couple: Grace, the daughter of a big business man, and his boyfriend Dean; they were carrying twelve dimonds worth about two million dollars. Maddie got interested and decided to interrogate them. Grace and Dean were both really scared and so blurted out everything to Maddie which then discovered they had to meat with Bryan a very big business man. So Maddie convinced her two friends to get the places of Grace and Dean to discover something more. “Grace” and “Dean” were imprisoned from Bryan because he wanted to threat the father of Grace saying that if he wouldn't want to make some business with him he won't see his daughter again. In the end the police saved Maddie and Alex, which was one of the other two teenager spies (impersonating Dean), whilst Bryan has been put into prison.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Romeo and Tybalt
Romeo is a psychically strong man whilst Tybalt is physically strong. Romeo and Tybalt are great enemies since the start, but unfortunately Juliet marries Romeo and he wants to grow a harshpiece between the two families: Juliet and Tybalt's family (the Capulet) and Romeo (the Montagues). Unfortunately Mercutio fought and died, and it was only Romeo's fault, because he distracted him. Romeo went mad and killed Tybalt. So the Prince decides to banish Romeo from Verona: " And for that offence Immediately we do exile him hence! I have an interest in your hates proceeding My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding; But I'll america you eith so strong a fine, that you shall all repent the loss of mine!"Romeo feels bad for what he has done to Tybalt, the cousin of his wife. Before dyeing Tybalt's last words were:"Thou:wretched boy, that didst consort him here; shalt with him hence." It means: so stupid boy, you come to meet me here, show me your power. Romeo answered: "This shall determine that" It means: Let's see. Then Tybalt obviously dies.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The protagonist of this book is Alex, a special agent. Everything begins when Alex saves a boy which was the son of the richest man of the whole world.The father was really grateful and to thank him, Mr. Drevin, the rich man, invited Alex to his private island from where he is sending some shuttels to start building a space hotel called Ark Angel. MI6, the secret agency with which Alex works for, told him that he sould except the invitation to the island to discover how Mr. Drevin earned all his money and what is really Ark Angel and it's purpose. In the end MI6 discoveres that Mr. Drevin wanted to threat the whole world to throw a bomb from his space hotel, but Alex, the great spy, in some way managed to get into a shuttel and activate the hotel's self distruction. This got Mr. Devis into prison and saved the whole world!!!!
The protagonist of this book is Alex, a special agent. Everything begins when Alex saves a boy which was the son of the richest man of the whole world.The father was really grateful and to thank him, Mr. Drevin, the rich man, invited Alex to his private island from where he is sending some shuttels to start building a space hotel called Ark Angel. MI6, the secret agency with which Alex works for, told him that he sould except the invitation to the island to discover how Mr. Drevin earned all his money and what is really Ark Angel and it's purpose. In the end MI6 discoveres that Mr. Drevin wanted to threat the whole world to throw a bomb from his space hotel, but Alex, the great spy, in some way managed to get into a shuttel and activate the hotel's self distruction. This got Mr. Devis into prison and saved the whole world!!!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
This book is about two brothers that win a weekend in Paris. They are chased by two killers, then to escape they do many crazy things. After the killers tell Nick and Tim (the two broters), they are to be killed because of a drug buisness the brothers got involved with. Finally they bring Nick and Tim to a drug laboratory to kill them with an overdose. The french police gets involved and finds the two brothers with enough drug to be put in prison for the rest of their lifes. After the police understands what happened with the drug and the two killers. The Sheriff asks the two brothers to help them find the drug laboratory and they collaborate.The Sheriff gets a medal for the job he's done, and sends Nick and Tim back to America.
This book is about two brothers that win a weekend in Paris. They are chased by two killers, then to escape they do many crazy things. After the killers tell Nick and Tim (the two broters), they are to be killed because of a drug buisness the brothers got involved with. Finally they bring Nick and Tim to a drug laboratory to kill them with an overdose. The french police gets involved and finds the two brothers with enough drug to be put in prison for the rest of their lifes. After the police understands what happened with the drug and the two killers. The Sheriff asks the two brothers to help them find the drug laboratory and they collaborate.The Sheriff gets a medal for the job he's done, and sends Nick and Tim back to America.
Monday, November 06, 2006

KISS & KILL BY: Sam Hutton
This book is about three teenager spies trying to close a society of the most know criminals in the whole world. Maddie, the protagonist, during her eleven years old, a criminal known as Chas Lennox shoot (Ex:Cat) to her mother and father. The mom remained killed and the father, the director of a spy organization for wich Maddie and her other two friends work for, was paralized on the lower part of his body. After many fights and tailgatings, this special spie organization finds where all this criminals will meet and would love to block all the big fishes. In the big fishes category there is also the guy which paid Lennox for the murder. In the end Maddie convinces herself that Eddie the son of the boss of this criminal organization, was a good one untill she sees a strange light in his eyes that tells her the truth about him. Probably, Eddie's instinct told him that suicide would be the best way to deviate prison. Now everybody is safe, and the criminal socied shutted down!
Friday, October 13, 2006

Everything startred with two guys fighting in a bar when Liz the girlfriend of Max (the protagionist), unfortunately got hitten from a bullet of one of those two. She was bleeding to death when Max putted his hand on the bullet hole and closed it with the simple touch of it. Then Max askes Liz to lie to the police about the bullet. From now on, Max risks that everybody could possibly discover his secret of beeing an alien. After this event there had been many interrogations from the Sheriff. Max, his best friend and his sister were all aliens. The Sheriff suspected them untill the moment they faked their death and then ran away from Rooswell. From now on Max, his sister and his best friend were able to live without the preoccupation of beeing discovered.
This book is really creepy. It is all about a strange school with four girls and five teachers. The protagonist is a normal girl named Cindy. The scary part of this novel is that in the school, at night strange things happen. A night two girls are taken away from the school and found dead in the forest. Three teachers died of heart attack in the same night. The police started taking big notice of the last events. Slowly but continuously every single policeman was killed in a very cruel way. The military forces decide to close the school and keep all of the people that lived in it the last critical days under observation. After one month Cindy wen't back to her family and her life from that moment on had switched back to the good way. All the last events were cause of a crazy guy that lived in the school without anybody knowing. He was the killer!!!