This story takes place in Denmark, during Hitler's reign. Jews were all brought in concentration camps to be killed and the same thing happened to people which helped them escape. Annemarie is the protagonist of this book, she is Danish and is neighbour of Ellen Rosens, a Jews. Annamarie discoveres that nazis are looking for the Rosens to bring them into concentration camps. Annamarie and her family decide to save the Rosen's life bringing them with a fisher boat to Sweden. Peter, the last boyfriend of Annamarie's dead big sister brught the Rosens to Sweden. (Unfortunately in the end also he died) People at those times developed many methods to distract the nazi dogs trained to find hidden people: with some drugs they were able to temporarily destroy their smell. Annamarie saved the Rosens because she gave them a handkerchief with that drug for the dogs just five minutes before the soldiers arrived with their dogs. She saved the Rosens from sure death.
At 2:10 PM,
Pietro M said…
Great writing and excellent grammar. The book is very nice although it's sad. You'll need to give me that book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
At 9:29 PM,
Francesca said…
Great synopsis! There are a few spelling and capitalization mistakes ( for ex. Nazi is written with a capital N ) but the book is well summarized.
At 2:00 PM,
francesco.ist.opicina said…
Excellent summary, you have almost no spelling mistakes.
At 9:14 PM,
Sophia T said…
An exciting book! You made some spelling mistakes!
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