The protagonist of this book is a horse: Black Beauty. Black Beauty had a wonderful life as a colt. He was “loved” from everybody in the farm he lived and had lot's of friends. All the horses were cleaned perfectly and so was Black Beauty. To clean him there was Jack, a young boy that worked in the farm. Then, unfortunately the factory was closed and Black Beauty was sold as all the other horses. Black Beauty passed about 5 years of hell. He passed about five years with owners that were really terrible in all means, and for this reason he suffered a lot. Then he was sold to a family that cured him enough and were kind with him but after a certain period of time they had to sell him because they didn't have enough money. As he is brought to the horse shop Black Beauty sees Jack and starts doing many strange things to be noticed by him. Jack right away remembered himself of Black Beauty and decides to buy him. Jack then brings him in a farm where finally Black Beauty will be able to live the rest of his life in a wonderful way.
At 9:00 PM,
Francesca said…
There are no spelling mistakes and your synopsis is great! Keep it up!
At 2:06 PM,
francesco.ist.opicina said…
Excellent summary, you have almost no spelling mistakes.
At 2:15 PM,
stefanoIST said…
Excellent job France! I really liked your entry! It had no spelling mistakes!!
At 3:30 PM,
Stefania A said…
Well done France!! It seems a very good book to read. Very clear and well written.
At 9:09 PM,
Sophia T said…
Wonderful book and exellent synopsis! Well done! :)
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