
Monday, May 14, 2007

This story takes place in London in 1940. Edie Benson the protagonist notices that numerous people that she knows move in the country-side as the war is about to star but then all come back. Edie heard some people talking about a possible German invasion. Edison and her family have just finished their Anderson Shelter when a bombing starts from the Germans on London. (An Anderson Shelter looks like a gallerie that could hold up to 6 people to protect them from the bombings.) Edie's brother and especially Edie need their parents but unfortunately Edie and her brother are sent in Whales to Mr. And Mrs. James which were not nice to Edie and Tom. Edie doesn't have only a brother (Tom) but also a sister : Shirley. Tom is 10 Edie is 12 and Shirley is 17. Albert or Bert, Edie's father, went almost every night out of the shelter to save people that were under walls of collapsed buildings. In the end Edie and Tom came back with their parents. This book is very well written. It is very realistic about how bad was war and that not everybody was as lucky as Edie and Tom to survive with their whole family!
There are many aspects on Trieste but my two favourite ones are the port in general and the weather. With the port many trade agencies and many merchants used this port. The port became important when the Suez canal opened because the ships could finally cut through Africa and Arabia to get straight through Greece or Italy. This port became also important because Emperor Asbury (an Austrian emperor) because he choose it as his favourite port and so an important one. With this Trieste became as important as Rome, much more important than what it's now. This port attracts me a lot thinking how old it is and how many important people and ships passed through it. It also attracts me because it's incredible how much a port or anything else may become really important just because an emperor choose so. Also weather in my opinion is interesting (but not as much as the port).Weather in Trieste is constantly changing. One week freezing cold with a lot of wind, one week with constant full sun with no clouds and no wind and one week with just lots of “Bora” and fog. “Bora” is a north-eastern wind that is the only cause of broken umbrellas in Trieste. The warmest summer in Trieste was in the 2003 and the coldest winter was in the 2005.
Trieste is a city that has lots of history from the past in its walls. For 500 years Trieste has been part of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire apart from the little Napoleonic period in which Trieste was part of Italy. From 1918- 1943 Trieste was part of Italy and with the fall of fascism till 45 it as part of Germany. With the fall of Germany Trieste (or TS) is amministrated by the ONU till 54 and after the 54 it was part of Italy. Trieste is known for:its big port , for its Roman Theater, for the Teatro Verdi, for the Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, for the Sala Tripcovic, for the Molo Audace, for the castello di Miramare, for the castello di San Giusto, and most important its port! Trieste as all other Itlaiancities has its own dialect: Triestino. Many important writers worked and wrote famous works in Trieste:Italo Svevo, Umberto Saba, Scipio Slataper, Enzo Betiza, Fulvio Tamizza, Maria Rilke, Claudio Magris, Pino Roveredo, James Joice, and Susanna Tamaro which is a relative of Sophia Tamaro my classmate. The “foibe”(carsic cavities or deep holes) were used to throw in during was dead people or also alive ones: politicians, prisoners or simple war enemies. The Foibe di Basovizzza have been stated national monument in 1992 by the Italian government. Trieste has lots of history in it, I think you should visit it!
Global warming is a very big problem. It is the increasing of temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans. This means that in some years time the north and the south poles will melt, this means that the sea level will rise and cities like Venice will be submerged. (Piazza Unità wont exist any more!) All this happens because of the increase of the greenhouse gas. (all those factories around the world, all those polluting cars!) This should also weigh on the conscience of all those business man that sell all the petrol they have. They should sell it with a very high price so anybody would bi it for their cars and no gas cars will be around and people will start selling hydrogen or electric cars! They both already exist! They could be already sold and global warming wouldn't be such a big problem with no more gas cars! There are many ways to slow down the global warming: one day a year all states and countries wouldn't be able to use cars, light of day (organized first in Canada) and many other ways. Don't think that all the polluted air comes just from factories, but the 23% of Earth's pollution comes from simple homes. Using certain light bulbs would also would also decrease the use of energy and the global warming problem would be postponed more farther on. If you do the differentiated collection (of trash) you do a very good thing for helping the environment but I saw a program on TV that proofed that some agencies that occupy them selfs of differentiated collection of trash trow everything together and this is a very bad and dishonest thing! Help us stopping this StUpId mistakes of humans by thinking how grave the situation really is!
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